Sodium methyl mercaptan (CH₃SCH₂Na) is a colorless liquid with a strong odor, used as a reagent in chemical synthesis. It is available in purities of minimum 95%, 16%, 21%, and 23%.
Sodium methyl mercaptan (CH₃SCH₂Na) is a colorless liquid with a strong odor, used as a reagent in chemical synthesis. It is available in purities of minimum 95%, 16%, 21%, and 23%.
S. No. | Characteristics | विशेष विवरण Specification |
परिणाम Result |
1 | रूप /दिखावट Appearance |
सफेद से हल्का भूरा पाउडर White to light brown powder |
सफेद से हल्का भूरा पाउडर White to light brown powder |
2 | अनुमापन द्वारा परख (शुष्क आधार पर) Assay by titration (on dry basis) |
९५.०० % न्यूनतम w/w 95.00 % Min w/iw |
९९.८५% 99.85% |
3 | सोडियमहाइड्रॉक्साइड के रूप में मुक्त क्षारीयता Free alkalinity as NaOH |
सूचनार्थ For information |
शून्प Nil |